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International Law and International Organizations

Krivenkova, M.V. Some issues regarding non-material responsibility of international organizations.

Abstract: The article is devoted to the issue of bringing international organizations to the non-material responsibility in various forms, which include restoration, satisfaction as well as assurances and guarantees of non-recurrence. The author discusses specific features of restoration as a category for the restoration of rights, as well as various ways to take responsibility via satisfaction. The author considers that the responsibility of international organizations in the form of guarantees of non-recurrence has some specific features in comparison with the application of the same measure to the violating states. Much attention is paid to the analysis of the Articles on Responsibility of International Organizations by the ILO of the UN.


international law, international responsibility, restitution, restoration, satisfaction, guarantees of nonrecurrence, compensation of harm, violating party, moral harm, compensation of harm, compensation.

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