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International Law and International Organizations

Petrova, G.V. Formation of the international law for the trade of financial services and its influence on the national legislation on financial markets.

Abstract: The article is devoted to the modern tendencies for the formation of international law of trade in financial services and its influence on the national legislation on financial markets. The influence of the WTO and other international organization on the formation of the international global order in this sphere is pointed out by the author. The author also shows the value of the processes of unification and harmonization of legal norms on trade of financial services within the framework of integration processes. The article includes examples on the implementation of international norms on financial services into the national law on the securities market. The author then shows the directions for the active process in the sphere of formation of international general principles of legal regulation in this sphere in order to achieve the due balance between public and private interests. The author then notes the role of legal custom in this sphere. The international law for the trade of financial services includes unified principles, norms and rules for the trade of international banking and other financial services, which serve as general normative regulation. The article includes analysis on the changes in the Russian law on financial markets, which took place under the influence of international norms due to the Russian Federation joining the WTO. The author points out the value of the “securitization” in the securities market, as an innovative form of financing by corporate bonds, investment fund bonds, and banking groups in order to support the activities of the credit markets.


international law, trade of financial services, legislation on financial services, unified principles, norms and rules for the trade of international banking and other financial services, customs of international trade in the sphere of financial services.

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