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International Law and International Organizations

Smirnova E.S. Some legal and political aspects of establishment of the institution of citizenship from the perspective of correlation between the international and national law

Abstract: The author thoroughly examines such aspects of the topic as the interaction of law and politics in establishment of the institution of citizenship in modern world, as well as the global trends towards signing by the state of the international legal conventions aimed at protection of human rights. The subject of this article is the relation of states regarding the allocation to an individual of the political legal connection with society and the government demonstrates the level of development of the democracy in a specific country. Special attention is given to the questions of interdependence between the national and international law, which is the best indicator of priority of state interest in establishment of the legislative policy of a certain nation. The regional international relations in this case serve as a factor of the unity of states in solution of the problems of population. The main conclusion consists in the thesis about the need for strengthening of the transnational connections regarding all aspects of the protection of human rights. The legal component of this activity of the state obligates the legislator to consider the legal experience of other countries and regions, as well as existing recommendations of UN on this matter. The interdependence between the normative legal acts of all levels must contribute into the formation of high quality legislation.


Prospect, Contract, Agreement, Interaction, Integration, Cooperation, Citizenship, Law, Politics, State

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