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Politics and Society

Skriba A.S. “Soft power” and the post-Soviet space at the present: conclusions for Russia

Abstract:   This article is dedicated to the examination of the current issues of the Russian “soft power” in the post-Soviet space. The Ukrainian crisis, as well as internal transformation in other post-Soviet states testify to the Russia’s loss to the West in this regard. If the situation does not change, that the post-Soviet space will continue to “crumble”; thus, Moscow will face the new difficulties, including in the content of its new project – the Eurasian integration. The object of this research is the “soft power”, while the subject is the methods and mechanisms of its implementation (in theory and practice, applicable to the post-Soviet countries). The scientific novelty of this work consists in the critical view upon the weak spots of the Russian practice pertaining to the question of “soft power” in the post-Soviet space, which manifested over the last two years as the result and on the background of the Ukrainian crisis. It is important to notice that these weak spots concern not only the Ukrainian vector; therefore, the acquired conclusions can and must be considered in reference to the other partners of Russia.  


Western approach, diplomacy, NGO, European Union, Russia, post-Soviet space, soft power, public demands, ideology, integration

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