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International Law and International Organizations

Shapovalova G.M. World cultural heritage in the digital era: milestones of implementation of the UNESCO strategy in the area of international law (to the 70th anniversary of the UNESCO)

Abstract: This article is dedicated to the anniversary of the International organization UNESCO and highlights its remarkable contribution into the world culture. The author reflects the core milestones of the diversified work of UNESCO in the format of its rulemaking activity with regards to the preservation of the cultural heritage, as well as emphasizes the role of the organization as a powerful coordinating center in the area of international cooperation on the establishment of legal field in the sphere of the digital cultural heritage. The author underlines that UNESCO being the flagman of formation of the global cultural policy, focuses on the solution of precise tasks, which allows advancing the international cooperation in the area of establishment, preservation, and provision of access and safety of the digital cultural heritage. In the conclusion the author substantiates the fact that in the conditions of the global information society, the problem of the legal regulation of the sphere of digital culture is yet to be resolved, as well as of great relevance are the questions of unification of the legal notions and the mechanisms and instruments of formation, preservation, and security of the digital heritage on the universal level.


legal space, digital age, digital cultural heritage, information society, globalization, cultural heritage, world culture, UNESCO, international legal instruments, international cooperation

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