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Trends and management

Khripunov S.P., Chirov D.S., Blagodaryashchev I.V. Military robotics: modern trends and development vectors

Abstract: The subject of this study is the process of implementation of robotics in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, a process which started late, compared to the majority of foreign countries with developed economies, due to a number of reasons. This paper offers an analysis of the current state of foreign and Russian military robotics, a characteristic of the system of robotics implementation in Russian Armed Forces, and demonstrates the specifics of the scientific and methodical apparatus to substantiate the goals of military robotics as well as the architecture of the system of modelling of image and virtual processing of for the application of robotics complexes, the evaluation of their efficiency, the specifics of of substantiating of the rational nomenclature, required amounts and lifecycle management, basde on integrated logistical support technologies. The methodology of this research aggregates the methods of systemic analysis, scientific projection, logistics, qualimetry, econometrics, architectonics of formation, information and logic-based planning. The major results produced by this study are the discoverd modern trends and development vectors of military robotics - the author provides a systemic view on the major (requiring attention and urgent addressing) issues of implementation of robotics in Russian Armed Forces that allow to systemize the efforts to provide a balanced development of Russian military robotics.


robotics logistical support, nomenclature of robotics complexes, image of robotics complexes, robotics personnel training, managing the development of robotics, vectors of robotics, robotics trends, robotics systems tests, the life cycle of robotics technology, military robotics

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