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Urban Geography and the Real Estate Market

Dolgikh E.I., Antonov E.V., Borushkina S.M. Smart Cities: approach and technology

Abstract: This article focuses on the challenges of implementing the concept of Smart Cities from the steady development standpoint. The author examines the main approaches to defining a "Smart City", its main traits and characteristics, outlines the main technological solutions that are necessary for Smart City development, efficient management, function and interaction between interested parties. The author draws attention to environmental aspects of Smart City development and the implementation of intelligent management systems in education, healthcare and public transport. The author defines a "Smart City", and lists the qualities that make a city "Smart". The author examines the Steady development rating of Russian cities, as well as tendencies for "Smart City" concept implementation in various countries. The author also offers a method and result for steady development rating application in Russia, which would help regional and municipal authorities to define priority management decisions that would improve steady development of cities and their "Smartization". The importance of such ratings for objective comparison of cities and regions, defining the leaders and those that lag behind, is obvious. Russian experience for "Smart City" implementation in Russia is also brought to attention.


BREAM, environmental soundness, efficiency, technology, development, Smart Cities, Smart Cities, LEED, administration

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