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Administrative and municipal law

Prokosheva E. A. Administrative Approval as a Form of Public Activities: Notion and Key Attributes

Abstract: This article considers the relevant, in connection with the administrative reform being underway, notion of administrative approval, its definition is given on the basis of available scientific wordings as a form of administrative activities which are a part of the administrative process and include the licensing and authorization, registration, certification, and approval activities. The author reviews the key attributes of the administrative approvals. The author also identifies the types of administrative approval: licensing and issuance of permits, state registration, administrative certification (including state accreditation and attestation), administrative consents. The author analyses the notions which exist in scientific literature and which refer to administrative activities, analyses the relationship between the notions of “administrative approval”, “state and municipal service”, systematizes the key attributes of administrative approval, provides the classification of its types. For the first time, the author gives the definition of the notion of “administrative approval”, identifies the key attributes of such notion: it consists of a combination of administrative actions, is a positive administration regulation activity, is of external-power, law-enforcement, regulatory, procedural nature, is initiated by individuals, terminates in issuance of an approval document, administrative approval is a method of implementing the permissive method of administrative law, the author also gives her own the classification of the types of administrative approval.


administrative reform, administrative approval, license, permit, registration, certification, consent, permission, external-power nature, law-enforcement nature.

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