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Administrative and municipal law

Sokolov, N.N. Analysis of the changes in the sources of municipal law at the level of constituent subjects of the Russian Federation in 2012, based upon the example of the Moscow City Law on Municipal Self- Government.

Abstract: The article concerns both general and specific issues concerning sources of law. The author provides a detailed evaluation of amendments into the Moscow City Law on Municipal Self-Government of 2012 (there was 3 of them). First of all, he analyzes the amendments regarding fighting corruption in municipal government. Secondly, he studies the amendments regarding administrative territorial changes in Moscow, widening of its territory southwards. Thirdly, he provides a detailed evaluation to the amendments, which served as grounds for over a half of the municipal districts in Moscow losing their competence in the sphere of organization of district committees for working with juveniles and protection of their rights, organization of social, educational and recreational, sports and health work with the people residing in the area, as well as in the sphere of guardianship, tutorship and patronage. These changes fall within the vector of centralizing financial and administrative competence of regional bodies in relation with the municipal self-government. The article contains conclusions of the author regarding each of the amendments.


m unicipal s elf-government, c ompetence o f l ocal s elf-government b odies, c entralization, s ources o f municipal law, legislation of the city of Moscow, changes in the legislation, analysis of sources, local government bodies, budget, history of municipal self-government.

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