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Politics and Society

Shebanova, M.A. Cosmopolitan identity as one of the forms of transnational identities

Abstract: The article includes analysis of the various concepts of cosmopolitan identity and forms of their practical implementation. It is shown that classical ideas of this matter are rather uniform, and they provide for cosmopolitan worldview and its identification markers as some ideas, which are more or less implemented in political practice. Most of the modern concepts of cosmopolitan identity are less uniform and they are based on current social and political reality. Some attitudes towards its nature are conflicted and the disputes become ideological. Analysis shows that the development of postmodern discourse of cosmopolitan identity contains a risk of losing its meaning. The goal of this article is to clarify it, and it is an important aim to establish which form of universalism characterizes the very nature of cosmopolitan worldview. Additionally, it is necessary to discover differences between the cosmopolitan identity and more narrow trans-national community identities.


cosmopolitism, new cosmopolitism, identity, trans-nationalism, global policy, stoicism, Enlightenment, Westernism, universalism, postmodernism.

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