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National Security

Krivenko, S.G. The use of offshore companies in implementation of dubious financial deals and legal risks for the contracting parties.

Abstract: This article is written based on the report, which was part of the course on “Security of Entrepreneurial Activities ”. It is devoted to the legal aspects of business with the use of offshore companies, and the legal risks for the contracting parties of such companies. These materials allow the future corporate law professionals to learn more about the sphere of activities, which contains reputation risks for the good faith business, as well as about the possible use of Russian companies in the legalization of criminal income and the legal consequences of such acts.


jurisprudence, offshore zones, minimized taxation, laundering of income, terrorism financing, ß y-by-night organizations, legal risks, reputation risks, contracting parties, unlawful activities.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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