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History magazine - researches

Vorontsova E.A. Mobilization of the Russian Industry during the First World War base on the materials of the “News of the Central Military-Industrial Committee”

Abstract: the article discusses how the “News of the Central Military-Industrial Committee” newspaper issued by the Central Military- Industrial Committee covered the problem of the industrial mobilization, which was brought up by the leaders united behind the militaryindustrial committees. The newspaper positioned itself as the “All-Russian authority of the mobilized industry” and claimed to reflect upon the full complex of issues and attitudes of the participants of that movement. The detailed analysis of the materials of the newspaper showed that it informed readers on the topics of the military-industrial organizations in sufficient details, gave the idea of the positions of the most politically active part of the bourgeoisie and showed the differences and confrontations between groups in its environment.


history, Firs World War of 1914–1918, military-industrial committees, “News of the Central Military-Industrial Committee”, mobilization of industry, economical crisis, government regulation of the economy, labor market regulation, demobilization of industry, oppositional feelings.

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