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National Security

Kostin, S.A. International legal bases of interaction between the Russian Federation and the NATO in the sphere of guaranteeing the collective security in Europe.

Abstract: The XX century was rich in military political events. Two World Wars and the real threat of the beginning the new nuclear war showed the importance of having the effective models of the collective security which would be based on the international law. The models of the collective security guarantees in the XX century were mostly based on «block models», through the opposition of the military-political unions like Triple Entente and the Triple Alliance, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the like. The dissolution of the Warsaw Treaty Organization in 1991 generated the hopes that «block» opposition in Europe will leave in the past. Differently, many hoped that after dissolution of the Warsaw Treaty Organization also will be followed the dissolution of the NATO. However, it did not happen. Moreover, the West expanded the sphere of the military-political block NATO operation by including the new members. Russia was forced to accept this situation as a harsh reality. In such conditions Russia initiated the development of the relations with this military and political alliance on the basis of the Founding Act and formation of the Russia - NATO Council (RNC). Thereby the Russian Federation came to the new level of interaction with the West in Europe. This article is devoted to the current relations between the Russian Federation and the NATO.


the Founding Act between NATO and the Russian Federation; the NATO – Russia Council; Organization on

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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