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History magazine - researches

I. M. Pushkareva The workers’ protest movement  in Russia in the years of World War I  (reading the book of Y. I. Kiryanov)

Abstract: The article analyzes the book of Y. I. Kiryanov on the labor movement in Russia during the years of World War I. The author examines the historiography of the given question and details the context of the question, which was significantly altered after the publication of Y. I. Kiryanov’s book. Many questions on the history of the labor movement that were considered to be well-studied, received new light through Y. I. Kiryanov’s research. Y. I. Kiryanov thoroughly verified the data of the sources on which the post-Revolution historiography based the study of this question and convincingly showed the need to corroborate many enduring in historical science conclusions regarding the labor movement of the pre-Revolution era. The author discusses the book of Y. I. Kiryanov based on the results of his own research of this topic, which have been reflected in several works. The article gives special attention to a debate with the newest works on the history of World War I and the February revolution, the authors of which touch upon the question of the labor movement. According to the author, these scholars are not giving due attention to a whole arra y of social aspects of the mass-pr otest movements in the y ears of the World War I.


World War I, February revolution, State duma, labor movement, strikes, protest, historiography, Bolsheviks, Mensheviks, food supply crisis.

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