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History magazine - researches

P. A. Plyutto The testament of N. B. Yusupov –  the Younger

Abstract: This article (publishing a historical source) demonstrates on the example of an analysis of a specific juridical document the importance of scientific research of any historic juridical source, even when the source seems at first of little informational value and trivial. The scrupulous analysis of the testament of N.B. Yusupov-the Younger, is valuable in that it exposes precise – judicially verified – minute details of his biography, which complement and correct already known facts derived from other, private sources. The author analyses the named historical source, exposes little known historical facts, consolidates them with other historical facts drawn from other sources, and depicts a consistent historical picture. The value of the testament for source study comes from that it in itself sums up the life and activity of that historical figure, being tied, even if not always noticeably, to numerous seemingly unrelated documents. Through the process of exposing these ties and their enrichment with concrete facts of life, the author reveals a complete historical picture – which is the aim of any source study research.


testament, house of Yusupovs, N.B. Yusupov-the Elder, N.B. Yusupov-the Younger, T.A. Yusupova, Z.N. Yusupova, Golitsyn princes, Alexander II, reforms, liberalism, Archangelskoe estate.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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