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History magazine - researches

S. P. Karpov Notes on the Commemorative Dates  in History Education

Abstract: The article publishes the paper read by the author on May 15th 2014 at Lomonosov Moscow State University’s jubilee assembly dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the restoration of historical studies in Russia and the same anniversary of Lomonosov Moscow State University’s Faculty of History. The paper demonstrates the main periods in the development of history as a science and education discipline at Moscow State University from its foundation to our days, it discusses the role of the 1934 stature “On the teaching of civil history in USSR schools”, and presents a detailed description of the contemporary state of activity of the university’s Faculty of History. Currently, the historians of MSU are dealing with the transition to a new system of education, which poses the problems of developing new standards of education, of writing new textbooks, including a general schoolbook of history, of creating education internet resources, and of replacing the whole system of education by establishing far-reaching interactive communications between teachers and students. The article further names the research priorities of the Faculty of History, the new areas of scientific activity of the university’s scholars-historians, and those achievements, which represent the fundamental and long-term base, the creative approach and preservation of the foremost traditions of the university’s scientific school. One of the main contemporary aims of this institution is the creation of breakthrough studies, the transition from individual efforts to expert centers, from collective generalization to collective studies.


history, historical science, history education, reinstatement, Moscow State University, Faculty of History, scientific schools, research objectives, education standards, traditions and innovations.

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