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History magazine - researches

Bridnya A.V. The formation of the public self-governments in the cities of Western Siberia in the late 1980’s – the 1st half of 1990’s

Abstract: the late 1980᾽s – the 1st half of 1990᾽s was the period of development in the cities of Western Siberia territorial bodes of local initiative. Firstly they were deprived of the legal and ideological foundation, decentralized and differ in structure. As a form of self-organization of politically active urban population of Western Siberia, the bodies of public initiative could not avoid crisis influence, but proved the necessity of their existence as an element of an emerging system of territorial self-government.


history, self-government, the cities of West Siberia, the urban population, self-organization, territorial public selfgovernment, community organizations, territorial bodies of public initiative, local councils, local authorities.

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