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History magazine - researches

Dergacheva L.D. Shuvalov I.I., Lomonosov M.V. and the creation of the “Moscow Vedomosti” newspaper

Abstract: the article focuses on the initial period of the history of the newspaper “Moscow Vedomosti”. It raises the question of what was the role of the founders of the Moscow State University Ivan Shuvalov and Mikhail Lomonosov in the organization of this university press. This article reviews opinions on this issue that exist in historiography. Analysis is based on both long-known material and new documents issued in connection with the 200th anniversary of the death of Igor Shuvalov (1998) and the 250th anniversary of Moscow State University (2005).


history, the Moscow State University, the decree of the Senate, Igor Shuvalov, Mikhail Lomonosov, the newspaper “Moscow Vedomosti”, the founder of the newspaper, typography, the Academy of Sciences, university magazines.

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